Monday, January 30, 2012

(Somewhat) Solidly back in the saddle again

No more excuses (like a pesky stomach bug) -- I'm back at our 500 mile challenge.  Though I'm somewhat behind, I feel good about the 13 miles I've put in in the last 4 weeks.  After a temporary setback, I'm thinking the best way to make progress going forward is to make a solid schedule for the week.  Here goes...

My goal for the week:
  • Sunday (yesterday!): lift weights and run at least a mile (donezo!!)
  • Monday: run at least two miles
  • Tuesday: lift weights and run at least a mile before and a half mile after
  • Wednesday: play basketball!
  • Thursday: run two miles
  • Friday: lift weights and run at least a mile before and half mile after
  • Saturday: more basketball!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Being sick sucks

After a solid week to start this 500 mile endeavor, I came down with a stomach bug.  Yuck.  It has taken me over a week to get back to eating somewhat normally, and I still feel like I've scaled back on what I eat daily (which is probably one positive thing!).

But I think it is all just a reminder that food=fuel for your body.  When I started trying to workout and run in the week following being sick, I realized how drained I felt because I wasn't consuming enough food or the right kind of food to keep my body moving.  When unsalted crackers and Honey Comb are the only things you feel like eating, your body is really missing that protein/fat/vitamin combo that really serves to keep you energized.

I think one of my goals going forward is going to be to keep track of what I'm eating each day and how that translates to the energy I'm feeling during and after my workouts... 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Treadmill vs. running outside

In these cold winter months, it is really tough to convince myself to go for a run outside.

While I know that running outside is a better workout than running on a treadmill, some days when I don't get to my run until after 5pm and it is already dark outside, I will stick to an indoor workout.  I like going to the gym to lift weights, so while I'm there, I try to get in at least some sort of running/cardio.

On the treadmill, there are two ways I typically approach my running:
  1. Intervals.  Using different speeds and different inclines, it keeps me interested in the workout (since I don't listen to music while I run).  I've been wanting to try this one for a while, but haven't gotten around to it yet: Print It Cardio: Treadmill Pyramid Intervals
  2. Splitting my running time.  My last trip to the gym, I split my 2 mile run into two, 1 milers.  I walked for 5 minutes on the treadmill, then ran for a mile.  Did about a 40 minute lifting routine. Than ran another mile. 
p.s. I remember reading somewhere that if you're running/walking on a treadmill you should have it on at least a 1.0 incline to mimic the effects of running outdoors

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bam. First run in the books!

Alright, I did it. I sucked it up and went outside and ran in the snow. If I wait for the weather to be nice enough to run outside in either of the cities I live in, I'd be waiting until May-ish.

Didn't go too far today, but at least I've got myself on the board for the year! A quick (but not so-quick) 2 miler to start 2012.

-Two pairs of socks
-A hat that covers my ears
-Awesome running gear I got for Christmas (Under Armor tights, Burton gloves)

Need for next time:
-A scarf/something to cover my face

ep: 2 miles today/2 miles for the year

Monday, January 2, 2012

And so it begins...

Okay, so this is how this whole business started...

Once upon a New Year's Eve Eve party (if you don't know what Eve Eve is, shame on you) I was having a conversation with a friend...

Friend: I've set a goal to run 500 miles this year.
Me: Really?  That's awesome.  Can I do it with you? (Translation: "I'm inserting myself into your resolution whether you like it or not because 1) I haven't come up with a good one for myself yet, and 2) I like it.  Oh, and me asking if I can do it is just being polite -- I'm doing it anyway.")
Friend: Yes!

So here we go.  The goal is to run 500 miles by the end of 2012.  I'm going to do my best to keep track of my progress here, including what I learn along the way.

Background about me: I'm not a runner.  For real.  I ran one marathon a few years ago because I wanted to get myself motivated to run, and apparently signing up for a 26.2 mile death march is a way to do that.  I'm starting to get the itch again, but I need to get myself back into running shape.