Monday, January 23, 2012

Being sick sucks

After a solid week to start this 500 mile endeavor, I came down with a stomach bug.  Yuck.  It has taken me over a week to get back to eating somewhat normally, and I still feel like I've scaled back on what I eat daily (which is probably one positive thing!).

But I think it is all just a reminder that food=fuel for your body.  When I started trying to workout and run in the week following being sick, I realized how drained I felt because I wasn't consuming enough food or the right kind of food to keep my body moving.  When unsalted crackers and Honey Comb are the only things you feel like eating, your body is really missing that protein/fat/vitamin combo that really serves to keep you energized.

I think one of my goals going forward is going to be to keep track of what I'm eating each day and how that translates to the energy I'm feeling during and after my workouts... 

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